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Technical condition surveys of bridge supports and their surroundings – professional assessment of bridge infrastructure

Technical condition surveys of bridge supports and their surroundings are essential for ensuring the safety and durability of bridge infrastructure. Our services provide a thorough assessment of the underwater sections, with a specific focus on the shape of the riverbed beneath the bridge. Using advanced technologies, we deliver detailed hydrotechnical insights that serve as invaluable support in the diagnosis of bridge structural conditions.

Detailed documentation of the condition of bridge supports and foundations

Our surveys enable precise visualization of the shape of the bridge support wall and foundation, as well as analysis of the seabed profile directly adjacent to the support. Such detailed information is invaluable, especially in cases where complete design documentation is unavailable. Furthermore, it allows for monitoring structural changes in the bridge, which is crucial for planning maintenance and repairs.

Badania stanu technicznego nabrzeży

The walls of port quays are inspected periodically as part of regular **marine structure reviews**. Utilizing the MS1000 sonar to identify damage locations provides valuable insights for both quay managers and divers conducting detailed examinations. Our surveys offer indispensable documentation for planning underwater repair work, as any irregularities are clearly visible on sonar imagery.

Inspections of Hydrotechnical Structures, Quays, and Pipelines – Hydrotechnical Services in Szczecin and across Poland

We offer comprehensive services for inspections of hydrotechnical structures, quays, and pipelines laid on the bottom of water bodies. Our services include:

  • Inspections of hydrotechnical structures in the underwater section** – detailed inspection of hydrotechnical structures, including bridges, dams, and other water facilities.
  • Underwater inspections of quay walls – thorough assessment of the technical condition of port quays and other marine structures.
  • Przeglądy rurociągów ułożonych na dnie akwenu – inspekcje stanu technicznego rurociągów podwodnych, w tym ich integralności oraz ewentualnych uszkodzeń.
  • Badania budowli hydrotechnicznych po powodzi – szczegółowe analizy uszkodzeń i ocena stanu technicznego po wystąpieniu powodzi.

Nasze usługi świadczymy w Szczecinie i okolicach, a także oferujemy dojazd na terenie całej Polski. Zapraszamy do kontaktu.