Seabed mapping and monitoring of aquatic organism habitats

Shallow water areas, where sunlight and wave action play a key role in shaping the seabed and aquatic organism habitats, constitute a sensitive ecosystem that is vulnerable to human intervention. Unfortunately, these are some of the least mapped areas due to limited research capabilities, and thus, the coverage of these vast areas with video data is limited, especially when it comes to monitoring programs.
The EOMAP solution provides access to digital information about seabed and coastal habitats through a series of (time-spanning) the latest satellite images. With extensive knowledge of bathymetric data processing for shallow waters, it is possible to utilize images along with spectral information from satellite recordings to characterize the seabed based on color, texture, and shape.
By utilizing databases and the expertise of EOMAP's experienced professionals, it is possible to transform these characteristics into thematic classes in order to quantitatively determine the nature of the seabed and its changes over time. Thanks to these powerful tools, EOMAP provides digital data and baseline maps to government agencies and local companies involved in consulting and environmental engineering.
The baseline benthos map of Dubai, among others, is based on our EOMAP methods.