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Our company

Company ESCORT Technology Escort has worked in the marine electronics industry since 1990. Our team consists of experienced employees and specialists from many fields. We stand out with an individual approach to each client, which significantly contributes to the dynamic development of the company.

We supply, install and service navigational, radiocommunication and hydrographic equipment. Our offers include, among other things: echo sounders, sonars, ROVs, GPSs, gyro compasses, marine and inland waterway radars, navigational and hydrographic software, and satellite telephones.

We provide hydrographic services in the field of monitoring of underwater beds and hydrotechnical objects as well as searching for shipwrecks. Our hydrographic expertise also includes services in the scope of scour monitoring around bridge pillars, which can increase the safety of existing structures and reduce their maintenance costs.

We are a manufacturer of the HSMR-1 Hydroacoustic Fish Monitoring System that allows fish migrations to be monitored without limiting their freedom of movement or introducing a stress factor. Our next system, which we are proud of, is HSPP – Hydroacoustic System of Underwater Positioning – known as the Underwater GPS System, which can be effectively used to track ROVs and to provide the underwater location of scuba divers. HSMR umożliwiającego monitorowanie migracji ryb bez ograniczania swobody ich ruchu i wprowadzania czynnika stresującego.

Escort's technologies are dedicated primarily, but not limited, to institutions related to the maritime economy, bridge owners, shipbuilding and fishing.

We are an authorised distributor of world leaders in marine electronics, hydroacoustics and underwater monitoring. We provide authorised training on products and services for such companies as Kongsberg, QPS, MacArtney and many others. We have our own marine service centre and provide full technical support for our clients. We represent, among others, such companies as: