Saab Seaeye Falcon underwater vehicle
The Falcon concept is the most successful underwater electric robotic system of its class and is proven in numerous intricate and demanding missions across many commercial, security and scientific sectors.
Equipped with Saab Seaeye's advanced iCON™ intelligent control system the Falcon provides exceptional vehicle control and diagnostic data as well as the ability to customise the pilot display and enable features such as station keeping.
The Falcon is lightweight, sized just one metre long and is rated to a depth of 300m.
Sound Metrics ARIS sonars
The ARIS 1800 is perfect for fisheries/marine biology because of its ability to deliver necessary detail in real-time. This level of resolution is deal for inspecting underwater structures, hulls and berth sweeps, and for military and law enforcement when accuracy is a must.
Kongsberg Mesotech MS1000 sonar
It enables the acquisition of high-resolution images. It is specially designed for inspection of the bottom of water bodies, for searching for drowning victims, for inspection of underwater structures and for other applications where the parameter of the highest resolution and sharpness of the image has priority over other sonar parameters. This type of sonar is also recommended for operation when the water temperature is lower than 4° C, or higher than 20° C because the acoustic beam in sonars with transducers in an oil-filled casing outside the temperature range of 4°C -20°C is not sufficiently focused.
Kongsberg EA440 echosounder
The EA440 is a new multi-frequency hydrographic echosounder with broadband technology. It was developed for hydrographic surveys in shallow and mid-depth waters. It can be used as portable or stationary, simultaneously as a side-scan sonar and sediment profilograph in shallow waters. The operating software is compatible with KONGSBERG's new MMI standard.
Trimble SPS461 RTK positioning system
It is a GPS receiver, designed for the marine and offshore market, providing accurate course and position information. It has integrated Bluetooth technology for configuration and operation via computer or cell phone. It uses RTCM DGPS differential corrections via radio link from local reference stations or via cellular network from internet reference stations.
Valeport miniSVS sound velocity sensor
Valeport's miniSVS water speed of sound sensors use state-of-the-art digital "time of flight" technology to provide the lowest noise, highest accuracy and best available resolution of sound speed data. The small size and selectable sensor lengths of up to 25mm make it adaptable to a range of applications, adding an optional pressure or temperature sensor.
HSPP underwater positioning system
The system allows monitoring and positioning of the ROV and the diver. The geographic position can be sent to external programs such as the MS1000 program or QINSy. With the combination of ROV, scanning sonar and positioning system, we are able to locate underwater objects and determine their geographic position. The accuracy of determining the position of our system is about 1.5 m with a range of up to 1 km (between survey buoys).