Survey vessels
The ECHO2 unit is a survey vessel fully equipped with navigation, hydrographic equipment, acoustic camera and ROVs. The vessel's facilities allow it to conduct training courses taking 12 crew on board. The vessel also allows for commercial work such as bathymetric surveys, sonar and magnetometer sweeps, underwater surveys and monitoring, and support for diving work.
Jednostki ECHO1 i ECHO3 są statkami pomiarowym, przeznaczonym na prace śródlądowe. Mobilność łodzi, zapewniona dzięki przyczepie transportowej. ECHO1 wyposażona w kabinę, umożliwia pracę w trudnych warunkach pogodowych.
How we work
Research and Development
The R&D department, which employs qualified electronics technicians and programmers, is constantly engaged in the creation of new products and the development of existing ones in order to be able to offer our own top quality product.